The following play documentation has been slightly "improved" for readability and enjoyment.
The events occured just as described, but at some points I may or may not have added flavour that I forgot to tell the players during play in the heat of the moment.
You really dont want to read a detailed list of this DMs failures, rule misinterpretations and missed narrative chances, do ya?
Well, you won´t get one!
Our First 13th Age Session started with the three Heroes Craven, Illidan and Rangor doing an Errand for the City of Glitterhaegens mage council. Their weather control station Boltstrike Pillar has been unresponsive for quite a while, so they pinned a Quest on the Adventurers black board promising money for information about the tower.
But other than that, each PC also had personal business of some sorts near the tower:
Craven is carrying a bag with unknown content that was forwarded to him by agents of the shadow prince together with the instruction to give it to another agent at boltstrike pillar and the grave warning not to open the bag under any circumstances.
Illidan is on a scientific mission on the high druids order investigating giant animals that seem to appear in the woods close to places where the Archmage practices his foul wizardry.
Rangor is on an ongoing quest to hire new followers for the crusade and carries a satchel full of crusader-merchandise, propaganda flyers (The Crusader wants YOU to join the crusade!) and registration formulas with him. The Boltstrike Pillar is a location just as good as any to start recruiting....
The Group met at the board and formed an allaiance due to the health benefits wandering in bigger groups can bring in uncivilized places like the bitterwood, which has to be passed in order to reach the Pillar.
In fact, their traveling was interrupted as soon as they reached the first trees by a scavenger group of goblins. The fight was quick and merciless and rated at least PEGI 18 because the halfelf sorcerer Illidan felt the need to try out his new lightning fork spell that he had gained recently.
After breaking a few goblin nuts with a sledgehammer (almost literatelly), the heroes surprise could not have been greater when the goblin shaman managed to actually revive those slightly goblinish fleshsacks with necromancy. The surprise however only lasted as long as it took for Rangor to get out his sword and smash the Zombiegoblin chunks into even smaller pieces.
The adventurer group made the rest of the passage safely and without further nuisances and reached the boltstrike pillar the next day. However they have come a little late for a battle that seemed to have raged there a few hours ago:
Boltstrike pillar has been conquered by the blue Dragon!
(doom-doom-doom) Cliffhanger!!
No srsly Im tired Ill finish this game report another time....
Thought of the day: an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Overdosing on apples does not further increase the doctors distance
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